It was December 19 and winter break had just started for the schools in our area, I wanted to make time each day to weave. It gets a little stressful during the holidays and weaving is a great way to relax. I challenged myself to weave and finish off the 30 meter warp that was on my loom. I thought there was only a few meters until the end of the warp. I decided to do weavings around 1-2 meters because I really wasn't sure how much was left. Next time I will keep better track of what I have woven off. I started with a little something Christmasy, I picked out a few reds and greens and a handful of treasures to throw in. It wasn't long before a tree started to appear at the edge of the weaving. I just went with it and before the day was over we had a SAORI tree on our front door.
A little something for the front door. |
Was I getting near the end, I would have to wait until after Christmas to find out. Would I get to the end before New Year's Day? What would I weave, next?
That was answered by one of my presents, I received a Comb Reed for my SAORI loom for Christmas. With the Comb reed I can reposition the warp threads to space them differently during the weaving of a piece, changing the look of the piece with ease. Yet, I can remove it and go back to the way it was originally warped just as quickly. The day after Christmas I began to try different ideas with the Comb reed. I gathered a few blues and started to weave. Whenever you try something new there is always a learning curve. I took risks, some things worked, some things didn't. I learned how easy it was to get things tangled but the great part of the Comb reed is it was just as easy to untangle them and start over with the repositioning. My weaving with the Comb reed came out very open and lace like. I can't wait to try out more weaving with it in the future. I think I will do a whole blog post on just the Comb reed. It was now the weekend after Christmas and I had enjoyed the day of weaving but it seemed I was no where near the end yet.
Trying out my Christmas present, a Comb Reed. |
I decided that I probably should have kept better track of what lengths I had woven so I would know how much I really had left. Instead of dwelling on what I should have done I decided to take this chance to just try out lots of different color combinations and techniques.
The last of the papers fell out. The end is close. (or not)
Next up, that basket of assorted bobbins that had collected over the year. Ends of this and that from other weavings. (I wish I had taken a picture) I decided to empty them off and start fresh with 2016. I had no plan in mind I just lined up the bobbins next to my loom and picked up the one that inspired me next. Remember after the cloth is wound on the cloth roller, you don't know what you have woven so far. This was a really fun one to wind off and see what was woven. I absolutely love the way this weaving turned out. I am not sure what it will become, but maybe something to wear. Again it seemed like this warp I was no closer to the end of this warp. It was starting to look like I would not reach my goal before New Years Day.
Finishing off the bobbins of 2015. |
It was the day after my birthday, December 29. I had the afternoon to weave and I decided to dig through my bins, yes there are more than one, of yarn and find something fun to weave. I found some of the really bulky yarn that was one of the first yarns I had spun. That started to snowball as I dug around and found more of those firsts spun yarns. Most of them were either natural white or a dark brown. Nice, thick and uneven lumps and bumps. Great for a nice thick weaving and what could be a better way to show off those first spun yarns. I decided to accent it with red, my favorite color. I turned to be really thick but soft. I think it will make a great bag, Borders thinks it will make a great bed. I could finally see the tape on the back beam. I might make it after all. (30 meters is a really long warp!)
Borders thought it made a nice mat. Look how nice I look. |
There was just a little more than a meter left to weave, maybe more. There was one more weaving I had thought about doing for the start of 2016, an all white or natural weaving. This was a black warp but I decided to do it and see how it turned out. It would make for a nice way to end 2015 and start fresh in 2016. I really enjoyed weaving this and if I remember correctly it was on a snowy day so it was perfect. Peaceful and relaxing. Finally I came to the end of the warp. It was New Years Eve. I had an empty loom to start 2016! I am sure it won't be empty for long. There are lots of new things to try in 2016, dyed warps, clasp weft warps, painted warps, and paper warps, just to name a few. Stop back to see what I weave.
Peaceful Renewal |
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