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Social Knitting

Knitting is a relaxing, almost meditative activity for me. It can be very solitary and I enjoyed my time with my cats by the fire during January snowstorms. I also enjoy the social aspect of knitting in public and having someone inquire "What are you making?". It's a great conversation starter, especially while traveling. My goal for 2017 is to share knitting and fiber arts with the wider community. I plan to start with a weekly social knitting time at a local coffee shop.  Relaxing by the fire knitting with my Kitty, (knitting a pussy hat)! Social knitting takes a special project. My rules are simple: a pattern repeat that I can easily memorize, a few rows of mindless knitting so you can stop at any point, and the size of the project makes it easily portable. All the yarn I need fits nicely in my Fringe Supply Company Field Bag  (see picture above & below). Knitting a red Project Peace cowl at Caffe Ibis, a local coffee shop. Looking at Instagram...

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